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Founded in 1976, the CRECI spent its first five years studying the ingredients of sustainable performance in the French sports world.


From these early years of research, the CRECI developed a set of core beliefs about what is essential for sustainable performance: Teams' motivation.


These beliefs are the foundation of the CRECI's mission to spread its message to France and the world...

French acronym meaning : Center for Research and Studies on Individual Behavior

P = S x M


The CRECI's founding equation may seem simple...


However, many companies are looking for ever-sharper skills while forgetting that the teams' motivation is their true lever for performance.


This addition of skills can then become a soulless machine, reflecting a too distant relationship and a management deficit.


It is important to remember that skills are a necessary but not sufficient element.

It is important to remember that a company's performance depends less on its external environment than on the teams' motivation.

It is important to remember that motivation multiplies skills and that a decrease in efficiency is first and foremost a decrease in energy.


Thus, recruiting, developing, and evaluating are all actions that require working in concert on skills (know-how) and motivation (desire to do).


Skills without teams' motivation is an investment without a return.

Convictions CRECI : motiver au travail





Our approach is based on the idea that pleasure is a key driver of performance.​

Specifically, we believe that there is a causal relationship between pleasure and performance.


​In fact, performance that is achieved in stressful, suffering, or anxious conditions is only temporary and comes at a human cost. This cost companies eventually pay can include stress, absenteeism, and physical or psychological damage.


Therefore, the challenge for management is to recognize that employee pleasure is an asset to be developed, especially in challenging environments. When people feel insecure about their situation, it is important to provide them with a sense of security in their relationships.



ONE'S management
ONE'S management
one's management

There is no bad management, only incomplete or inadequate management.


The more demanding and sometimes erratic environment requires management to complement itself and be able to play on complementary qualities:


Knowing how to value, recognize, and position yourself, knowing how to set limits, demand, develop, and accompany, knowing how to pilot, listen, understand, and decide, asserting yourself. Knowing how to create a collective movement, preserving team cohesion, and

how to individualize performance... without falling into individual performance.


It is precisely the combination of these qualities that allows the manager to develop a relationship that is always more motivating, efficient, and secure with their team.

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